T’s & C’s – Groups

Groups – Booking Procedure

To request a reservation, the group leader should fill in the enquiry form for groups, providing all the required information.

If we can accept the group and the dates are still available, an invoice will be sent with details of how to pay a £100 non-refundable booking deposit in order to reserve the dates. This will be deducted from the total amount.

The booking is to be paid in full at least 7 days before the group’s arrival. (You must provide us with final numbers before that time so a final invoice can be issued.)

  • Dates are not reserved until a reservation is confirmed by us and the deposit or full payment is received.
    • Once a reservation is confirmed, the deposit or full payment should reach us within 3 working days. Alternatively, the dates requested will be marked as free again.
    • If full payment is not received at least 7 days prior to the stay, we reserve the right to cancel the booking.

Groups – Booking requirements

Check In / Check Out:

  • Check in is from 2pm onwards.
  • Check out is by 11am on day of departure. All cleaning and tidying should be completed by this time.
  • Arriving or leaving outside of these times may be possible by prior arrangement and may attract an extra charge, depending on the request.

Room plan:

  • In order to comply with the fire regulations for the site, please show a printout of the room plan (who is sleeping where) to Centre Management on day of arrival.

Food safety:

  • The group organisers undertake to have a person who is trained or sufficiently aware of official food and hygiene safety guidelines and that food safety and cleanliness standards are upheld while using our professional kitchen facilities.
  • Facilities and utensils will be left thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day and at the end of use, in accordance with the official guidelines.


  • Groups and organisations are responsible for and must have a public liability insurance policy in place while using the centre.

First Aid and Risk Assessment

  • The group is responsible bringing their own trained first aider (if required), the group’s own first aid kit and the group’s own incident reporting book.
  • The group is responsible for conducting their own risk assessment


  • Group organisers are responsible for adequate supervision of all group members (particularly minors) during the period in residence at the centre and during all group activities.
    • All group members should be made aware of site rules, fire safety and boundaries permitted for play and activities.


  • Group organisers undertake to cover damage to Centre property that arises out of misuse, untrained use, neglect or wilful actions by any group member during the group’s stay. (Normal wear and tear excluded.)
    • The leaders should bring all damage to our attention immediately and not attempt or allow any group member to attempt any repairs (which may lead to inconvenience, danger or injury to future centre users).


  • In order to keep costs down for your group, we require that you commit to leaving the centre tidy and clean, in ‘as it was found’ condition.
    • A cleaning list of items to check prior to checkout will be provided

Media equipment:

  • Your group is responsible for bringing all the media equipment it requires.
    • The centre has two mounted speakers at the front and a projection screen already hung open in the hall, which can be used.

Day visitors (residential bookings):

  • Only persons detailed in the booking, room plan or site plan are permitted to stay overnight and occupy the premises. This is essential for compliance with site fire regulations and child protection.
  • All day visitors must be registered with management in advance, or at the earliest opportunity, and a nominal expenses fee paid (£5/day/person). Knowing who is supposed to be on site at all times is essential for compliance with site fire regulations and child protection.

Groups- General Terms

  1. The Centre is to be used solely for activities and events that uphold and affirm Biblical teaching and the Christian Gospel
  2. Multi-faith events are not permitted
  3. Mixed sex occupancy of any dormitory or other sleeping accommodation (other than by married heterosexual couples and their families) is not allowed
  4. We retain the right to refuse entry to Newton Stewart Centre to any persons whom we believe are acting in an illegal or antisocial manner or who is bringing danger to themselves or other visitors.
  5. The following are not permitted on site:
    • Illegal drugs
    • Offensive weapons (such as slings, knives, guns of any kind etc.)
    • Anything else of an illegal nature or which poses a risk to others.
    • Flamable items (fireworks, chinese lanterns, candles)
  6. This is a no-smoking site. (space may be available outside the main gates if necessary)
  7. Alcohol is not permitted in the centre.
  8. Pets are not allowed on site.
  9. Videos and photographs of any person on site who are not part of your group are strictly prohibited. (The exceptions are your own group members, which will come under the rules of your own group’s child protection policy.)
  10. In order to not offend other residents or neighbours, all activity organisers and group leaders are responsible for ensuring high standards of conduct and that noisy activities do not occur between 11:00pm and 7:00am.
  11. The group is responsible for having its own public liability insurance.
  12. The Faith Mission or its staff are not responsible and cannot accept liability for any damage to or loss of any property belonging to any person or organisation using the Centre.
  13. The Faith Mission will not accept liability for personal injury or illness sustained by any person using the Centre, however caused.
  14. The Faith Mission reserves the right to refuse or terminate any booking by those failing to meet these conditions.
  15. The Centre must be vacated by the agreed time with rooms left clean and tidy and equipment stored in its proper place.
  16. The right is reserved to impose special booking conditions whenever deemed appropriate.