Booking information
Some info you need to know about your reservation
Booking has to be manually confirmed
Welcome to the reservations page! Thank you for considering to stay with us for your holiday or break. You can make a request using the booking calendar above. We do our best to keep the website current, but availability may change last minute due to other events happening on site and groups not being booked through the website system. (A booking is not made until your reservation request is confirmed by us.)
Check in and check out
Check-in is from 4pm-10pm and Check-Out is by 10am. For requirements outside of these times, prior arrangements have to be made but may not always be possible. For our cancellation policy, see terms and conditions.
More than just holiday accommodation>
The site is an integral part of the wider ministry of the Centre and fully supports that work, therefore, we want to enable all users of the site to feel welcome and appreciated, whether here on a church week-end away or on holiday with their family. For this reason you will have to declare (by checking a box in the reservation request) that you and all person staying are Christians or sympathetic to the Christian faith.